Hutchison HW

#12 Self Driller Screw

  • - 0%
  • Fastener designed to attach metal roof and sidewall panels used in pre-engineered metal building applications.
  • #12 Diameter 5/16" Cupped HWH self-drilling fastener easily penetrates steel up to .210" in thickness with no "point walking". 1/4" Stitch will securely fasten 2 layers of 26 GA with no strip-out
  • Mechanical Zinc plating provides superior corrosion resistance versus electro-plating under barrier coatings.
  • Cupped head & washer encapsulate EPDM rubber washer & provide a secure seal even when driven at an angle.


 Model #12 Self Driller
3/4", 1", or 1 1/2"
Head Style 5/16 in. Cupped Hex Washer Head
Color Various Colors
Note Pull over values calculated with EPDM rubber washer assembled to cupped head screw with 0.555" washer face.
Alt strength values shown are ultimate values, expressed in LBS. Apply an appropriate safety factor to obtain design limit.

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Post Frame Building Art
Post Frame Building Art
Residential Building Art